Projects,Artist Showcase

String Art Demo from Dapper Ink

Artist Showcase, ProjectsElizabeth Ramos

A few months ago, we shared our love of string art---that is incorporating string into an existing piece, or creating art entirely out of string. So we were pretty excited when our friends at Dapper Ink (a local screen print and design shop here in Greenville) decided to do a new installation that featured string art. Over the past years, Dapper Ink has hosted installations created by local artists. With the addition of letterpress printing to their shop, however, they wanted to do something that showed off their love for all things print, and the Long Live Print plans began. So check out their behind the scenes video. They've proved that string art (though time consuming) can be an accessible form of art. Maybe this will even inspire you to try it yourself.

If you're interested in making some string art of your own, Jen from Dapper Ink has shared a few tips:

1) Rather than just going at the project with nails and string, have a plan. We actually printed our design on a banner printer, attached it to the plywood and used that to guide our nail holes. The paper is also great because it keeps your wood underneath clean. Our hands got REALLY messy because of the oxidation on the nails. Chances are you might not have access to a banner printer. No long as you're not doing a huge installation, print outs from home should work fine.

2) Recruit friends to help you put in the nails. It WILL take you longer than you think.

3) Look at string art inspiration online to give you an idea of how you want to wrap your string, that is, how you want the pattern to look. Do you want it to be very uniform? Or is it ok to be messy and random? Either choice can be fine, but it's difficult to change your tactics once you've started to fill in the nails with string.

4) Use one continuous strand of string or yarn for as long as you can to maintain an even look to the design. However, tie off the ends often. If it starts to unravel, you could lose all of your work to your last tie off point.

Upcycling Vintage Crates and Boxes from Maiedae

Artist Showcase, ProjectsElizabeth Ramos

We've had such an incredible response to Emily's DIY Chalkboard Lettering a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't wait to put up a new guest blog post from another talented lady. Today I'm introducing Savannah Wallace from Maiedae--an artistic, fashion, and lifestyle blogger. Two years ago Savannah and her business partner Jenny participated in Indie Craft Parade as jewelry artists, and I've been mesmerized with their work ever since. Besides her work in jewelry, Savannah is also a graphic designer and photographer. I've been pestering Savannah to do a guest blog post, and fortunately, her busy schedule has allowed her to share this adorable tutorial with us. Thank you, Savannah!

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Hello friends! Savannah from 


 here to share with you a simple DIY and tips on up-cycling your vintage crates and boxes. Last year I spent some treasure hunting time at local antique stores in search for wooden finds. I found old coca-cola crates, small wooden boxes and a few larger crates. I built up my little collection and have found over the past year that they've served for many uses! I used them as display pieces for my handmades at a craft show, stacked them together to make night stands for my husband's and my pallet bed, put plants on them outside and used them for pretty storage. Today's DIY shows how I used simple elements to up-cycle one of my favorite wooden boxes as a "free for all" things box.


* Multi-surface paint - I used Martha Stewart's metallic gold paint.

* Stencil or silk screen - I found a great selection of stencil pieces and some beautiful Martha Stewart silk screen letters at Michael's. You can find things like this at your local craft shop.

* Dresser knobs.


1. Using a drill, make holes into your wooden piece for knobs or hooks. Use these to hang your keys, add a little visual interest or hang other treasured items from.

2. Paint the inside of your crate with a color of your choice to give your box/crate dimension and a little pop or color or metallic flair.

3. Stencil a word or pattern on your box to match its use.


Just by getting a little creative you can easily up-cycle any of your favorite wooden antiqued pieces and give it a little extra charm! Try using your favorite colors, fun stencil patterns and trying it out in different places in your home. I love that my "things" box can be used for mail, main floor nick-nacks, make-up and bathroom supplies. So many uses and way more attractive than a plastic bin.

Thanks for having me! Stay warm.


DIY Chalkboard Lettering with Emily Jeffords

Artist Showcase, ProjectsElizabeth Ramos

We've said this before, but one of the best things about Indie Craft Parade is getting to know the awesome people in the maker community. These connections can provide new friendships, networking connections, business opportunities, and they always supply creative inspiration. For this guest post, we called in one of the amazing connections we've made---the ever lovely Emily Jeffords

We asked Emily to supply a project for us...and she did something awesome: DIY CHALKBOARD LETTERING. This is an amazing idea. Who doesn't love beautifully hand lettered designs? And now you can do it yourself!

So without further ado, take it away, Emily!

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Hello!  I’m so happy to be guest blogging for one of my favorite groups, Indie Craft Parade!  I’m sure you have noticed the growing chalkboard lettering craze sweeping America and Europe right now.  It’s pretty awesome.  Well, it’s awesome if you have freakishly amazing handwriting (which I don’t!)  I can barely write an address on an envelope with grace. Sadly, I’m going to have to leave the hand-lettering to the likes of Dana Tanamachi and Molly Jaques.

The good news: those of us who aren’t Dana Tanamachi can still have amazing chalkboards with freakishly amazing typography and precision (we just need a teensy bit of help from the computer….  Shhh.)

Oh, and lefties, you’re in luck.  Because you don’t have to do one bit of writing, you can work from right to left!  You should have seen me working on this baby upside down, sideways, and backwards!

This chalkboard DIY is so stylish, so trendy, and so, so easy.

Things I leaned during this DIY:

1. Chalkboard spray paint is a total joke.  Just use flat black paint and mix in a tiny bit of clear gesso or unsanded tile grout.  I didn’t try the paint can variety.  Maybe it’s amazing? 2. Really, really, really cover the paper with chalk.  It will save you so much time in the long run. 3. You might want to do a few words with larger text…  not going to lie, this took quite a while because my text was so small (and I’m a bit of a perfectionist.) 4. A small paintbrush + water is like a magic eraser.

I hope this inspires you to have fun creating something amazing and original.

The Lamp Post Guild on Kickstarter

Artist Showcase, Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

We love sharing with our community the newest resources and trends in the world of making, which is why I nearly flipped when I saw this new Kickstarter project called The Lamp Post Guild. Three professional illustrators from Greenville (2 of which have been Indie Craft Parade vendors) have created an online course to teach people how to turn their passion of art/illustration into a career.

Statement of purpose from The Lamp Post Guild:

Every kid drew pictures until someone told them they couldn’t.Millions of people wanted to become artists when they grew up,but they were told that being an artist is not a "real job."Only a few of them will actually make it as professional artists.It doesn't have to end this way.

We want to make this story end differently for these aspiring illustrators and artists by teaching online courses that will help them improve their craft and earn a living doing what they love.

This presentation is done beautifully, and if you have people in your life who would benefit from taking these classes, you should seriously consider supporting!

Knack Studio Grand Opening This Weekend!

Artist Showcase, Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

We love this time of year in the arts and craft world. It seems like between now and the new year, every week there is a show, a market, a gallery crawl, or (as in this announcement) a studio grand opening! We've got so many events to tell you about in the coming weeks, so make sure you're checking back with us. Today I want to share an upcoming event for the creative genius that is Knack Studio--Barb Blair. She's been a long time friend of Indie Craft Parade, serving as an exhibitor as well as a jury and board member. Not to mention, she's a foundational piece of the arts scene here in Greenville. Barb specializes in remaking antique furniture, often finding beauty in pieces long overlooked. Not to mention she has an impeccable decorative sense which means she has a wonderfully curated line of "found goodness" for sale. Over the past few months she's been renovating a new studio that has its Grand Opening this Friday night! We've had a sneak peek into the new venue, and let us tell you--it's worth going to see.

The new studio opening will be in conjunction with another Indie Craft Parade friend, Lily Pottery. To check out the details, head on over to Barb's blog. We can't wait to go!

DIY Round Up: Handmade Notebooks

ProjectsElizabeth Ramos

Well we haven't done a crafty round up since before the festival, so I'm really excited to share what I'm finding inspiring right now. I've recently been hunting for the perfect notebook. Pads of paper that fall apart just aren't cutting it anymore. I love, love the designs coming out of Rifle Paper Company, but I think I might be good and make one myself...we'll see. I think these notebooks might be right up my alley, maybe yours too. The tutorial for this little journal/notebook from Elle's Studio looks simple enough but still super cute. They used patterned paper and chipboard to create a book that would also make a great album or daily scrapbook.

Screen shot 2012-10-03 at 2.48.43 PM

Magenta and Gold? Yes, please! Whitney of Eat, Sleep, Cuddle used scrapbook paper and gold leaf to make this awesome design.


Making a stamp from a lino block is a great way to create some one of a kind art as well as a functional piece. Check out the tutorial from A Pair of Pears.

Or, if you want to go super basic and still say, "I made this," then this kit from Curious Doodles could be perfect from you. The embroidery is just awesome, and the book is the perfect size.

men's Gift guide for the 2012 Indie Craft Parade

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

As we are rapidly approaching the big event, I've been giving you sneak peeks at the artists' work who will be at our market. So far we've focused on individual artists, but today (and next week) I want to do something a little different. I've put together a gift guide for you. It's not too early to be thinking of Christmas gifts, and if you don't find the perfect something for everyone on your list at Indie Craft Parade, good luck finding it elsewhere. Indie Craft Parade truly has something for everyone--even the men in your life. People often mistakenly think of art markets and festivals as being for women. And while, yes, many of our vendors and shoppers are women, that doesn't mean for a second that we don't have some really great things for guys.

Check out these awesome items below. The dapper gents in your life will certainly be happy to receive them.

1. The Maker Tee from Parachute Clothing

2. Gentle Giant Tee from Fuzzy Ink

3. Etched Pint Glass from Phoenix Fire Studios

4. Handmade Bow Ties from The Cordial Churchman

5. Block Printed Toms Shoes from Matt Butler

6. Travel Journal from Useful Books

7. Screenprinted Poster from Shed Labs

8. The Skinny Jean from Billiam Jeans

Featured Artist: Heather Keew

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

Time for another sneak peek! This time from one of our fiber artists, Heather Keew. Heather specializes in creating nature inspired pieces from felt and stitching. I love her work for its creative twist on plants, trees, and landscapes. Her pieces have such an ethereal quality to them, and the whimsy of it all just makes me want to collect each piece. (I am lucky enough to already own one.) Come see Heather's work in person! You'll love it as much as I do.

Featured Artist: Hawks and Doves

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

One of the great themes of the indie craft movement is repurposing. Whether the objects be vintage finds or things headed for the trash, indie artists can find a beautiful use for them. Jessica Reed, the artist behind the Hawks and Doves shop, does just that. She finds vintage feed sacks and turns them into these fabulous pillows. Every feed sack has a story, and Jessica preserves that story through her amazing work. I can't wait to see these in person!


Featured Artist: Emily Jeffords

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

Emily Jeffords, one of our 2-D participants, has her hands full as a wife, mother, and full time artist/designer. But she still manages to produce really beautiful, fresh work inspired by life's travel and experiences. Adept in many mediums, Emily will be bringing paintings, collages, and unique jewelry pieces to Indie Craft just a couple of weeks! I can't wait to see these in person.

Emily also has a fantastic blog. If you want to know more about her work and inspiration, check out Beautiful Hello.


Featured Artist: Spectrum Jewelry

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

Julia Riffel has been a vendor at Indie Craft Parade in previous years. But she's bringing a brand new line of jewelry to this year's event. Within the past few months, Julia began playing wood shapes, and soon after, Spectrum Jewelry came into existence. Her beautiful geometric inspired pieces are sure to make a stand out presence at Indie Craft Parade. To check out more of Julia's work, see her blog: Life without Television.


DIY Round Up: Pet Accesories

ProjectsElizabeth Ramos

We like to put handmade touches on all aspects our lives. Why shouldn't that apply to our pets as well? Give your pets a little handmade love this weekend, and get crafty with something you know they'll enjoy. Cats and kittens just want a hole to cuddle up and hide in. So why not make it a cute cubby like this one from Eilen Tein. (English knitting pattern at the bottom of the post.)

Always forget to bring the plastic baggies on the walk? Make your pet carry his own. This cute collar pouch tutorial from The B-Line.

Love this adorable dog bed DIY from My So Called Crafty Life.

Love cute treat bins, but don't want to pay the designer price? Tidy Mom managed to make this cute tin for just a couple of bucks. Works for pets of all shapes and sizes.

I really do enjoy having my cat chase me around the house as I drag a string in front of her. I'm looking forward to making something cute for her to catch. Tutorial from Martha Stewart.

My heart really does go out to people (especially kids) who can't have a pet because of allergy or space reasons. So I think this fun make-your-own pet tutorial could be a way to get your kids crafting and to give them a pet of their own. Make your own jellyfish in a bottle from Bhoomplay's Blog.

Featured Artist: Jeanette Zeis Ceramics

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

I'm so happy to be sharing the work of Jeanette Zeis Ceramics with you today! Her work is amazing, and I'm so excited to add this brand new vendor to Indie Craft Parade this year. Jeanette has created a fresh line of functional ceramics from her Atlanta based studio. These whimsical pieces from cake stands to berry bowls to salt cellars and more are going could look incredible in any kitchen. To see more check out her Etsy shop. She also does custom work such as personalized items and registries. Can't wait to see these in person!


Featured Artists: Ink Meets Paper & Sparrow Nest Script

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

Now that we've posted this year's official vendor list, we get to do something fun--give you a sneak peek of what kind of goods will be available at the 2012 Indie Craft Parade. Each week from now until the festival, we'll be featuring a smattering of artists from each of our 6 categories. So be sure to keep checking in to not miss anything! Today we're featuring two artists who will be selling paper goods--specifically cards and other stationary. Emily of Sparrow Nest Script creates beautiful, hand-lettered cards. These are absolutely amazing! I cannot wait to see this beautiful calligraphy work in person.


Then I also want to introduce you to Ink Meets Paper. They're husband and wife team Daniel and Allison, and they have a letterpress studio that's brand new to Indie Craft Parade this year. They have a great website where you can not only buy their paper goods but also you can see a little bit about their process. Check out the video below! If you're not very familiar with letterpress, this is a great clip to learn a little more.

We're getting so excited about this show! Can't wait to share more vendors with you next week.

DIY Roundup: Ombre Dyeing

ProjectsElizabeth Ramos

Ombre dyeing continues to be a trend in the fashion, craft, and decor scenes, and why not? Ombre done right can yield the most beautiful, artsy results. So, here's a small collection of DIY ombre projects to get you inspired. With a little time and patience (and guidance from these great tutorials), you too can create the trendy ombre products you've seen. Ombre dyed ballet flats from Swell Mayde.

Paper gift tags from Momtastic.


A giant chrysanthemum--perfect for parties-- from Aunt Peaches.

Of course, no round up for ombre dyeing would be complete without a tee shirt tutorial, like this one from A Pair and A Spare.

Then to finish things up, these lovely ombre napkins from Camille Styles. These are actually spray dyed.

Have you experimented with ombre dyeing? We'd love to hear about it!! Email photos and stories to

Handmade Business Cards

ProjectsElizabeth Ramos

Every artist or crafter needs business cards! Why not show off your talent from the start and make a memorable impact with a handmade or hand-embellished card? Here's a few of our favorites.

Stamped glassine envelopes filled with confetti, what fun! By PuglyPixel (with DIY tutorial)

Stamped kraft cardstock with brass tag embellishment. By oh, hello friend (with DIY tutorial)

Offset stamped cardstock. Via MaeMae Paperie

Sewn fabric strips embellish these printed cards. By Craftoholics Anonymous

Tiny kraft envelopes, stamped! By Hey Look

Gilded edges dress up these simple printed cards. By Camille Styles (with DIY tutorial)

These printed cards are embellished with washi tape, twine, and a hole punch. By Mint

Watercolored card with the printed info stitched on. By Ethan Martin Have you designed a unique business card? We'd love to see it!

String Art

ProjectsElizabeth Ramos

We've been loving all the string art that's popping up lately. Here's some of our favorites from around the web!

We Are All Apart Of The Same Thing by Dominique Falla (see his post for gorgeous detail shots)

Drawn Pink by Anne Lindbeg for The Bemis Center

Artist unknown, from the Heide Museum of Modern Art

Embroidered photographs by Maurizio Anzeri

Want to try your hand at creating your own string art? Here's a couple DIY projects with tutorials.

Lettered Wall Art, tutorial by Jen Lula

Geometric String Escort Cards, tutorial by Oh Happy Day

What are you working on? Local Art and Craft.

Artist Showcase, Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

We've seen a lot of crafty goodness recently--from people's personal projects to local craft nights to official art shows. We love being a part of this brilliant community, and I've got some fun pictures to share from some recent events. First a round of photos from last weekend at Craft Bar Happy Weekend--the show in Columbia. We had a great time reconnecting with some of the vendors who participated in the 2011 Indie Craft Parade.

Rachel Feece pottery

Shed Labs prints

Owlette Collective children's accessories

Fox to the Opera fabric jewelry

17 Dove Street jewelry

Marisol Spoon fine art

Second, I wanted to show some pictures of the fabric jewelry making class held at Even A Sparrow. Such a fun night!!


The group learning to make yo-yos.

The adorable Anya, showing off her fabric rings and pin.

If you're getting your craft on, we want to know about it! Email pictures to Or better yet, submit an application to be a vendor at the 2012 Indie Craft Parade!