Events,General Info,General Info
Gift idea help
Craft News, Events, GreenvilleIf you're still in need of a last minute gift idea for the creative person in your life, we might be able to help! Reserve a ticket for The Makers Summit or The Best Craft Party Ever (or both!) in time to give for Christmas.
I If you're not familiar with The Maker's Summit, here's a quick overview:
The conference takes place Saturday March 1, 2014 from 9am - 5pm. Tickets include a light breakfast, lunch, keynote sessions, panel discussions, and one-on-one sessions with experts. The day is designed to connect fellow creatives while learning how to start or grow your creative business.
While the conference is geared toward creative entrepreneurs, the after party is open to anyone who loves great food, and making alongside others. The goal here is to simply celebrate the fun of making and meeting other makers. Learn more here.
There are 3 gift options to choose from:
· An all-access pass for both the conference and after party for $150.
· The conference day pass for $100.
· The Best Craft Party Ever evening pass for $50.
Reserve your gift ticket this week!
Holiday Fair Recap
Festivals, General InfoThanks so much to everyone that came out to the Holiday Fair! We had such a great Saturday. Although it was a bit chilly, we were so excited to see the neighborhood full with Greenville's art enthusiasts. To recap the numbers, this past Saturday the festival was made possible by 30 artists, 10 volunteers, 5 food vendors, 1 great neighborhood, and over 1,600 attendees!
If you were unable to make it to the Holiday Fair, you did miss out. However, be of good cheer. Indie Craft Parade will be hosting events all throughout the year. Make sure you check out our Calendar of Events to see what we've got planned next!
Thanks again for supporting Indie Craft Parade and our artists! We're so thankful for everyone who buys handmade.
If you'd like to see more photos from the event, check out our Instagram feed. You can also search the hashtag #indiecraftparade to see shots from attendees.
What to expect at the Holiday Fair
General InfoTomorrow's the big day! We can't wait to see you all come out to the Indie Craft Parade Holiday Fair. Here are some final details to help make your experience the best it can be.
Where and When is the Holiday Fair?
The Holiday Fair will be located at 1241 Pendleton Street in The Village of West Greenville. The hours are 10 am to 6 pm. Please note, this is NOT the same location as our September festival. If you go to the Huguenot Mill there will not be anyone there.
Who will be there?
We will have 30 artists at the Holiday Fair. This makes it a smaller event than the September Festival, but we've specially picked our vendors who are excellent for Christmas shopping. So bring your list!
What about admission cost?
We are asking for a $1 donation per person at the door. However, kids 12 and under are free, so please bring the whole family. We want everyone to enjoy the festival.
Will there be a line?
Probably. Last year we had 1,300 attendees throughout the day, and we expect that number to increase. However, there's a lot of other things to do in the Village, so the crowd should be dispersed pretty evenly.
So, what else is there to do in the Village?
It's going to be a neighborhood party! All of the shops and studios will be open. There are some really great staples in the Village like Knack, Crave, and The Flatiron Studios. However, you'll have to check out a couple of holiday pop up shops that will make your trip to the Village complete.
Pop Up Shops?
There's two special limited time shops that will be open this weekend. You've already learned about the LP Pop Up Shop in our guest post earlier this week. You also have to check out our friends at We took to the Woods. This is your stop for specialty foods, hand poured candles, luxury goods, an amazing selection of curated antiques, and so much more.
We Took to the Woods Pop Up
LP Vintage Pop Up
What about food?
We've got some great options for you! In addition to the Greenville's favorite trucks, Asada, Neue Southern, and Thoroughfare, we'll be hosting some of our favorite bakeries, Swamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery and Upcountry Provisions to serve pastries, sandwiches, and sweet treats. Of course the food scene would not be complete without Vagabond Barista, who will be serving inside the LP Pop Up Shop.
Photos from We Took to the Woods,Milk Moon Vintage, and TOWN.
Holiday Fair: Gift Guides
Artist Showcase, EventsThe Holiday Fair is the perfect place to take care of all your Christmas shopping. You’ll find something for everyone on your list, a one-of-a-kind gift that’s sure to steal the show. Here's a little sneak peek at the handcrafted goods you'll see this Saturday.
Stocking Stuffers
Food & Entertaining
Lovely Ladies
And of course, don't forget to get yourself something special too from the Holiday Fair!
Workshop: Winter Wreath
EventsWe’re getting giddy about our upcoming DIY class with the fabulous Julie Dodds of Willow Florals. Her distinctive floral styling is a feast for the eyes, and she's ready to share her tips and tricks with you! Julie will guide the class in making an incredible winter wreath from fresh pine branches and other natural elements. All the supplies will be provided, and at the end of the night you'll leave with a big beautiful wreath to take home and enjoy!
Update! The first class sold out so quickly, we added a second one!
WHAT:Winter Wreath
WHEN: Class # 1: SOLD OUT! Tuesday, December 3 from 7 – 10 pmClass # 2: Thursday, December 5 from 7 – 10 pm
WHERE: White Whale Studios, 401 Smythe St, Greenville, SC 29611
DETAILS: Construct an evergreen wreath with Willow Florals that you can use all season long. There will be more than enough fresh boughs to go around as well as some foraged materials from the mountains of North Carolina. A wire wreath form as well as greens, cones and berries will be provided, and you can feel free to bring any special accoutrements to personalize your wreath.
Join us for this grand wreath-making party! Grab your friends and register here.
2013 School Scholarship Winner
Craft News, General Info, GreenvilleThis is always such an exciting time of year! Every November get to share some much needed funds with a Greenville County school's art department. If this is the first you're hearing of our school scholarship program, let me give you a brief recap. For the past 3 years, we've awarded a $500 scholarship to a local school who demonstrates both a need in their art program and a clear plan for the funds.
Every year there are so many good applicants. Reading through the numerous applications, we were again reminded of the great need in all of our schools to improve art resources. Yet we are also so humbled and amazed to know how much the teachers are able to accomplish on limited budgets. We certainly wish we could award everyone the scholarship funds. They all deserve it.
That being said, we are pleased to announce that the recipient of this year’s scholarship funding is St. Anthony of Padua School. This school largely serves the impoverished neighborhood surrounding the school in West Greenville. In addition to creating an art program for the students who attend St. Anthony's, the art teacher, Catherine Pate, has created an after school program to further student's art techniques and imaginative skills.
We're so happy to be partnering with this school. We're already discussing fun plans for artists demonstrations and ways to help the kids who attend St. Anthony's learn to love the arts.
If your school or a school you know of would like to participate in our scholarship program, please stay tuned. Applications are open every year in September and October. We want to know of the needs in Greenville, and we rely on you to tell us.
2013 Holiday Fair
Craft News, Events, Festivals, GreenvilleIt's hard to believe that it's already time to think about Christmas gifts, but we're less than a month away from our Indie Craft Parade Holiday Fair! Mark your calendar for this one-day event on Saturday, December 7th in The Village. Once again, it will be a neighborhood affair, with open studios, food trucks and much more!
Our Holiday Fair will be in a brand new space, with room for over 30 previous Indie Craft Parade participants. See a sneak peek of their handmade goods below and keep reading for a full list of artists.
Here are all the details.
What: Indie Craft Parade Holiday Fair When: Saturday December 7, 10 am – 6 pm Where: Midtown Artery, 1241 Pendleton Street 29611 Admission: $1 suggested donation, children 12 and under are free
2DCory Godbey Emily Jeffords Handprinted by The Matt Butler Shed Labs
Fiber by erin elizabeth Heartfeltlovelane Merciful Hearts Farm
To Wear Audrey LaineAuspicious Miss Billiam Jeans
Paper Ink Meets PaperThe Paper RabbitQuill and Arrrow
Everything Elsecanoojuxtaposition The Paper Posy Mercy Verity Oh Kay Annie Koelle Sweeteeth
Workshop: Paper Ornaments with Mollie Greene
Events, ProjectsWe're so excited for our upcoming crafting class with the amazing Mollie Greene of Royal Buffet and Sweet Paper Crafts. Mollie's fanciful paper lovelies never fail to delight, and now she's going to show you how to create wonderful ornaments for holiday gift giving, tree decorating, or present topping. All the supplies will be provided (vintage papers! glass glitter! and more!), just bring your own pair of scissors. Mollie has nearly 20 different ornament styles ready for you to create, see how many you can make!
WHAT: Paper Ornaments WHEN: Thursday, November 14 from 7 – 10 pm WHERE: Cowork, 1040 W. Washington Street, Greenville SC 29601 COST: $25 REGISTER HERE
DETAILS:Come for a fun evening of handcrafting original paper ornaments using vintage and antique papers, German glass glitter, tinsel, crepe paper, string, and more. Each participant will leave with the ornaments they create throughout the evening, and their own set of templates to take home for more holiday paper merrymaking. All paper finery and other supplies will be provided, but we suggest bringing your own sharp scissors along with you. Mollie will be guiding you through the ornament making process as well as offering paper crafting tips and tricks along the way.
Here's a little peek at just a few of the ornament styles you'll learn to make:
These paper ornaments are so much fun to make and even more fun to give. They make the perfect gift for teachers too!
You don't want to miss this crafty evening with Mollie, it's going to be swell. Grab your friends and register here!
It's time to make stuff!
Events, ProjectsOur first few workshops have been a fabulous success! Here's what's coming up next...
Paper Ornamentswith Mollie Greene of Royal BuffetThursday, November 14 from 7 - 10 pm
Winter Wreathwith Julie Dodds of Willow FloralsTuesday, December 3 from 7 - 10 pm
Learn to Knit with Deb Potter of Merciful Hearts FarmThursday, February 6, 2014 from 7 - 10 pm
iPhone Photographywith Jivan Dave March 2014, more details to come
Succulent Terrariumwith Amy Walchers of Urban Digs Tuesday, April 8, 2014 from 7 - 10 pm
Bookbindingwith Cindy Leaders of Useful Books May 2014, more details to come
Homebrewing 101with Ben Alier and Grape and GrainsJuly 2014, more details to come
These classes fill up quickly, so register before it's too late!
Indie Craft Parade + Anthropologie workshop recap
EventsLast week Indie Craft Parade teamed up with the Greenville Anthropologie to host a holiday garland workshop. The evening was a smashing success with nearly 60 people gathering for a night of crafting and merriment. Attendees helped create yards and yards of garland that will deck the Anthro windows this upcoming Christmas season. There was also a station where people could create their own garlands to take home. We had such a fun time meeting some new makers in our community, and we know everyone was excited to amp up their DIY skills. Setting up for the event. Notice how nicely our garland fits into the store!
The best part of the evening...we all got a sneak peek into the fantastic world of those famous Anthropologie displays. We learned that the visual director might spend months at a time planning storewide displays, and actually making the pieces can take hundreds of hours. The girls who work this store are serious about creating.
Which brings me to something that we really do love about Anthropologie. We're thankful that they purposefully employ artists and creatives in their stores. As we learned last week, many of the Greenville Anthro employees are painters, photographers, paper artists, or current art students. Some of them have Etsy shops or home studios where they're pursuing their own work. We also appreciate the work that Anthro Events has done to bring people who want to make new things into the same place. This is a primary goal for Indie Craft Parade, but we don't always have the network to reach new people. Last week, 60 people came together for communal crafting...most of whom we had never met. Anthropologie helped us make these new connections.
Lately, there has been a lot of criticism thrown at the corporate world of art and decor, especially in light of the Cody Foster debacle. While our first choice is to support artists directly, we are also happy to support big retailers, including Anthropologie, who stand up for the independent arts community.
The theme for the garland making was pretty great as well--creating displays from everyday materials and recycled paper. We don't usually like the word "upcycled," but I have to say that watching trash turned into creative materials was inspiring in itself.
Some finished beads made of straws and magazine pages.
If this is your first time hearing of the local Anthro Events (or if you tried to sign up, but the class was full), don't be disheartened. Turns out Anthro Events take place throughout the year, and you just need to stay tuned through email to find out details for the next one.
Thanks again Greenville Anthro staff. You guys are inspiring, talented, and doing a great job building community here in Greenville.
The Ethics of Craftsmanship
Craft News, General Info, GreenvilleWhen Lisa Congdon wrote "My Art was Stolen for Profit" earlier this week, we were outraged on her behalf. Several pieces of Lisa's art were reproduced without her permission by the wholesale supplier Cody Foster. Lisa is not only pursuing legal action, but she publicly called out Cody Foster and has garnered a good deal of support in her efforts to share the story. In every industry there are knock offs, but the craft world seems to be especially plagued by this phenomenon. Whether it's an artist creating work that's uncomfortably close to another artist's or DIY tutorials about how to make something just like what so-and-so sells, the disrespect for creativity is the same. In this instance, Cody Foster regularly purchases items from independent artists and then resells a mass-produced version of the item to retailers. The revelation that Cody Foster has done this for years is maddening, and yesterday it got even more personal for us.
Sarah Mandell of Once Again Sam shares our hometown of Greenville and is an Indie Craft Parade alumni. Her felted curiosities are playful, unique, and take hours to create. This year, Cody Foster is selling owl ornaments almost identical to the needle-felted owls Sarah has been selling for the past three years at our events and many others across the Southeast.
image via indieripoffs
Today, we are officially joining Lisa's cry to spread the word and stand up for independent artists. Let your local retail shops know that Cody Foster has made a habit (and a business) of ripping off artists, most of whom can not pursue any kind of legal action. Write an email to retailers you frequent, or if you're a shop owner and have access to the Atlanta Market, stop by Cody Foster's booth in person and politely let them know your purchasing dollars will be spent with companies who respect artists.
Fast Company states it well in their article: "A wholesale company like Cody Foster might not fear lawsuits, but it can be imperiled when consumers start telling their friends and complaining to the big companies that buy from wholesalers."
Handlettered by Justin Hall for the 2013 Indie Craft Parade
We were thrilled to see retailers like West Elm and Fab drop Cody Foster wares in a show of support for artists, but there is still plenty we can do. Indie Craft Parade has reached out to our retail contacts about Cody Foster and we encourage you to do the same.
Lisa's post, among other revelations in the past few weeks, has confirmed in our mind the importance of education when it comes to ethical choices in the craft world. As a result, we will be including this topic in our 2014 Makers Summit lineup, addressing issues like inspiration versus copying. Plagiarism isn't tolerated in the academic world, and we don't think there's any reason the line should be blurred in the art realm.
Holiday Display Workshop with Anthropologie
Events, GreenvilleWe're excited to announce another fun Greenville event coming up very soon! We've teamed up with our Anthropologie store to spread some early holiday cheer in our community! Keep reading for more details.
More about the evening from Anthropologie:
Join Indie Craft Parade and the Anthropologie visual team to prepare shimmery baubles and paper festoons in preparation for the holidays. Each workshop attendee will help to craft a store display as well as a handmade treat to take home. We'll craft garland and ornaments from magazines, cardboard, caps, tassels and straws, all in the spirit of creating the extraordinary out of the ordinary.
Learn about Anthropologie's unique aesthetic vision, handmade craft and what's in store for the holidays! All materials and tools will be provided.
The event is free, but you do need to RSVP because space is limited! Email to reserve a spot.
Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 Place: Anthropologie: 1 North Main Street, Greenville, SC 29601 Time: 6-9 pm Cost: Free, but RSVP is required
Recipe for Press Workshop Recap
Craft News, Events, GreenvilleThis past weekend, we hosted the first of our 2013-2014 event series, a DIY PR workshop with Amy Flurry. We met Amy at last year's Makers Summit and it didn't take us long to realize that artists and small business owners need to hear what she has to say. We were excited to bring her back to Greenville for this event.
Amy wrote a book called Recipe for Press and gave our group insight into how to think like an editor, sharing habits of people who get press. She also introduced a very cool tool called the Pitch Wheel to help keep track of when to send material to editors who are typically planning content months ahead.
photo by Miss Wyolene
One of our favorite quotes from Amy's workshop: "If you only pitch, but don't follow up, you've only done half the job."
Be sure to like the Recipe for Press Facebook page for more tips from Amy and check out the next few events in our lineup so you don't miss any of these great educational opportunities.
2013 Indie Craft Parade School Scholarship Program
General InfoSince we started Indie Craft Parade, we’ve wanted to do more than just put on a great show in Greenville. We want to make a lasting impact on our community. One of the hopes for Indie Craft Parade is that we can inspire another generation of artists by getting involved with the art programs of Greenville County schools. In 2011 we established the Indie Craft Parade School Scholarship Program in which we donated funds to the art department of a Greenville County school. We understand that school budgets are always tight, but unfortunately it is often the fine arts programs that are the first to suffer when funding cuts are made. It also breaks our hearts when we learn that art teachers sometimes have to pay out of pocket to supply the most basic tools like markers and crayons for their classes.
So we want to help.
Our goal is for the scholarship program to not only help fund a school’s art program that is lacking in resources but also expose students to a greater spectrum of art than is typically available in a classroom setting.For 2013, one scholarship of $500 will be awarded to a school in Greenville County.
Application photos from the 2011 winner Brook Glenn Elementary.
We want our scholarship to extend beyond just funding. We hope to establish a true partnership with the school that is selected and work together to create opportunities for students and local artists to connect. This may include demonstrations, assemblies or field trips.
Applications will be selected based on three main criteria, including: Educational impact of the scholarship Need of the applying school Proposed use of the funds
Any school located in Greenville County can apply for these art program funds. Applications can be found online and must be submitted by October 31, 2013. So let your school know about this opportunity!
The Indie Craft Parade scholarship is open to all schools, both public and private, in Greenville County. All schools are eligible for funding without discrimination due to race, religion, or socioeconomic status.
Martha Stewart American Made Awards
Craft News, General InfoAs fans of handcrafted goods, we love what the Martha Stewart American Made awards are doing for makers across our nation. Showcasing handmade in the areas of food, craft, design, style, technology, and garden, this initiative gives you the chance to cast six votes each day for your favorite American Makers.
Audience Choice voting has been extended until September 22nd and we're so proud of how many Indie Craft Parade alumni have been nominated!
The six nominees with the most votes in their categories will move on to the final round of voting for the Grand Prize, which is $10,000 to further their business, a trip for two to New York City to attend the American Made Workshop, and a feature on! This is an amazing opportunity for our artists and their businesses, so please be sure to vote every day and let your friends know to do the same!
Check out the Indie Craft alumni nominees below. You can click on their image to be taken to their page to vote!
Remember, vote for your favorite American Made nominee between now and September 22, 2013! Another fun perk: Each vote enters you into a weekly drawing to win a book signed by Martha Stewart, American Express gift cards, or other great prizes.
Workshop: Furniture Refinishing
EventsToday we're detailing the next workshop on the schedule, Furniture Refinishing with Barb Blair. You should be familiar with Barb and her work by now, she is the creator of Knack Studios and author of the bestselling book Furniture Makeovers. This workshop is a hands-on class with the master herself! You'll get to take home an amazing piece of furniture, refinished by you with Barb's help and guidance.
WHAT: Furniture Refinishing workshop with Barb Blair
WHEN: Saturday, October 19, 2013 from 6 - 10 pm
WHERE: Knack Studios, 11 Lois Avenue, Greenville SC 29611
COST: $250 This fee covers all the tools and supplies necessary to refinish your piece, including specialty paint, knobs, decorative papers, etc.
THE DETAILS: Come ready to roll up your sleeves and learn the basics of painting furniture! Wear clothes that you are not afraid to get dirty, and prepare to have a great time sanding, painting, and transforming. We will be covering sanding and prep, painting, staining, papering, lining drawers, applying new hardware, and so much more! You will get to go home with a brand new piece of furniture and all of your new painting tools as well. Barb will be working closely with each participant, so space is very limited. Sign up now!
THE PROJECT:The piece of furniture you will be refinishing is a small side table or nightstand. You are responsible for providing this piece of furniture, that way you get to choose a piece that works best with your personal style. You can select a piece you already own, or follow Barb's tips for rescuing a piece from thrift stores or estate sales. Check out the photos in this post for inspiration and examples of what types of furniture pieces are appropriate.
2. You'll get an email with more class details. Each participant will also get an individual design consultation with Barb via email to make sure the right piece of furniture is selected, prepped appropriately, and to plan the furniture makeover.
3. Required Reading: Furniture Makeovers - Barb's book contains a wealth of information, covering everything from refinishing techniques to style inspiration. By reading the book beforehand, you'll come to the class familiar with the techniques and ready to get to work. You can grab a copy of Furniture Makeovers at Chronicle Books (psst! on sale right now for 25% off with free shipping!), or anywhere books are sold.
4. Select your piece of furniture, have your design consultation with Barb, and prep the piece if necessary.
5. Show up to the class! You'll be sanding and painting, applying decorative papers, new hardware, the whole deal. It's going to be an amazing evening of working with Barb, and the one-on-one attention and teaching she'll be providing is invaluable. At the end of the night, you'll leave with your amazing refinished piece! Armed with your new skills and experience, you'll be ready to tackle more furniture projects on your own.
What are you waiting for? Get over here and grab a spot before they're gone!
We recently announced our upcoming workshops; we've got a whole year of fabulous events and classes for you to enjoy! If you missed the details about the first class, Recipe for Press: DIY Marketing, check it out here.
Thank You for another great show!
Events, Festivals, GreenvilleThis past weekend was a blur, and it's still hard to believe another Indie Craft Parade has come and gone! With 6,500+ attendees throughout the weekend, we think it was our best show yet! In case you missed it, one of our sponsors, Sam Windell, put together a really fun event video for us!
Things that were new this year: · More space! For the first time, we had two floors of artists.
· A fitting room. (not pictured) · Our giant logo sign. Which inadvertently became a fun photo backdrop.
· New food and drink vendors. · Sponsors on-site. We were so excited to have both Etsy and Spoonflower join us at the show this year. They sponsored a special Meet & Greet party just for our artists! And we had a special guest show up from MailChimp.
And as always, our show wouldn't be possible without our talented artists, our volunteers, our sponsors, and the fans of handmade who patiently wait for their turn to see what we've all been working on for the past few months. Thank you all so much for another great year!
What was your favorite part? Handcrafted popsicles? The free photobooth? Tattly tattoos? Handmade goods as far as the eye could see? And don't forget to check out #indiecraftparade on Instagram to see what people loved most.
What to Expect at indie craft parade
General InfoCan you believe it?? Tomorrow starts the festival! If this is the first Indie Craft Parade you're attending, you might be wondering what you as an attendee can expect at the event, so hopefully this post will answer all your questions!
Who is this festival intended for? The whole community! Indie Craft Parade is for anyone interested in purchasing handcrafted goods. Indie Craft Parade features the best handmade art in the Southeast from 75+ independent artisans. We invite the public to attend this festival and enjoy high quality crafts, local food, live music, and getting to know the artists in their community.
When is the 2013 Indie Craft Parade? This coming weekend, September 6-8. The VIP Gala is Friday night from 6 - 9 pm and is for ticket holders only (see details here). The rest of the festival is free admission, and is open Saturday from 9 am-6pm, and Sunday from 11 am-5 pm.
Where is the festival being held? Indie Craft Parade is held indoors at the historic Huguenot Mill in downtown Greenville, SC. The mill is located at 101 W. Broad Street, next to the Peace Center. The venue is handicapped accessible. There is street parking available, and several parking garages with easy walking distance.
Is this event family-friendly? Absolutely! Saturday and Sunday are both free admission, so bring the whole gang. If you've got small children, we suggest you leave your stroller at home if possible. The aisles are a bit narrow, and can make maneuvering a stroller a little difficult. The only time alcohol will be served is at the VIP Gala, and attendees must be 21 years or older to partake.
What type of goods can I expect to see? At Indie Craft Parade, you'll find the best handcrafted goods in a variety of categories, everything from paintings to children's toys, paper goods to jewelry, ceramic mugs to artisanal chocolate. You can get a sneak preview of some of the work by checking out blog posts like this one or this one.
Will credit cards be accepted? Most likely, but bring cash just in case. Many of the vendors may have the ability to accept credit cards or checks, however you should be prepared to pay cash for most of the items you purchase. There is an ATM on site in case you forget your cash.
Photo by Britt Hildreth
Will I have to wait in line? It's possible. We've expanded our hours and added an extra day to better accommodate the crowds, but depending on the turnout, you may have to wait in line before you enter. Obviously, our goal is to get everyone in as soon as possible, but we do have to respect the venue's fire code. If there is a line, we'll do our best to keep it moving quickly, and aim to have everyone in within about 15 minutes.
Is there food and drink on site? Yes! We're delighted to have the offerings of several local establishments available to our attendees. You can purchase items from Chef 360, Upcountry Provisions, King of Pops, Tealoha, and Vagabond Barista.
If you have any questions, please check out our FAQs. Or, leave a comment below and we'll reply!
Featured Sponsor: Etsy
Behind The Scenes, General Info, SponsorsWe're so glad to have Etsy as an Indie Craft Parade sponsor this year! The Handmade Marketplace has been helping designers and makers sell their goods online since 2005. Their site has also been extremely instrumental in helping the handmade movement gain traction. Earlier this year, our team got to visit their Brooklyn headquarters and it was just as awesome as we expected. Outside Etsy headquarters.
Etsy shares our love for artists, so this weekend, they will join us alongside Spoonflower as a co-sponsor of our Artist Meet & Greet Breakfast. Etsy staff will be on hand throughout the weekend to conduct shop reviews and host a special educational workshop for our artists!
If you're not familiar with Etsy, be sure to spend some time looking around their site. They offer quite a few resources and tools to help artists and to make it easier for people to find handmade goods. Some of our favorites are Shop Local, the Seller Handbook, and their blogs.
Many of our participants sell their handmade goods on Etsy and we use a few of the Etsy tools (like treasuries) to share their items before the show.
One of this year's Indie Craft Parade treasuries.
If you want to know more about Etsy or get involved locally, be sure to check out the South Carolina Etsy Team. This is a great support group if you’re an Etsy seller or would like to be. Online, the team posts great tips for selling and getting the most out of Etsy. You can join this team if you’re an artisan “living in South Carolina who maintain an Etsy shop containing a minimum of 5 items…and who participate in group discussions and/or activities” Visit their page for more details.