2014 year in review

General InfoElizabeth Ramos

We can hardly believe it -- 2015 is almost here. Soon we'll toast in the new year and make big plans for the future. But this end of season time gives us a chance to reflect on all that's been accomplished in the past year. We've met incredible people, seen growth in the makers community, and seen remarkable expansion within our own organization. We're eternally grateful to the friends, family, and community who provide constant support for and encouragement to for Indie Craft Parade, and we're continually reminded how blessed we are to have you all in our lives. We hope you enjoy reliving some of the highlights of this past year.


March 2014 -- The Makers Summit and The Best Craft Party Ever

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April 2014 -- Artist Day through the Indie Craft Parade School Scholarship program


June 2014 -- Call for entries and Jury selection of festival artists

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July 2014 -- Team trip to Atlanta


September 2014 -- The Festival with record artists and attendance

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September 2014 -- Baby Ramos joins the team

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December 2014 -- The Holiday Fair at GCMA


We'll see you next year!