
School Scholarship: Artists Day

Events, General InfoElizabeth Ramos

It's been a while since we've given updates about our school scholarship program, but today, I'm really excited to share some photos from this past Monday when three Indie Craft Parade participants shared their skills with the students of Gateway Elementary in Traveler's Rest. This post is also a really good opportunity for us to say THANK YOU to everyone who financially supports Indie Craft Parade. These are the kinds of projects that we can do because people and companies sponsor us. We're working really hard to make sure your investments are worth it, and we think that immersing kids in the arts is one of the best things we can do.

I spent the better part of the day with the artists and students, and I really had a great time. There's nothing like seeing kids discover something new. I loved hearing the questions they had for the artists. And I especially enjoyed watching the kids learn that art is a much broader field than they may have thought.

We coordinated 3 local artists to demonstrate their craft/trade throughout the day: Cory Godbey showed 4th graders and kindergarteners his work as a professional illustrator. Deb Potter brought her spinning wheel and felting supplies to 1st and 2nd grade. And Matt Moreau let 3rd and 5th graders try their hand at letterpress printing.

Cory shows the 4th grade class how he paints digitally. They were completely mesmerized by his work...particularly with this video that he designed and animated. They couldn't get enough of it.

Cory's presentation to the kindergarteners, however, quickly turned into a game of pictionary. "Draw a snake!" "Draw a dog!"

Deb taught the kids how she spins the wool that her husband shears into yarn. One girl told us it was "the best art class she ever had."

They particularly loved touching some of the dyed wool.

Muscling the Kelsey letterpress. The kids did a great job!

Numbering and signing their prints.

Thank you again to the art teacher, Joanne, for helping us coordinate the day. She's doing a great job with her students!

The MaieDae Mixer & Ticket Giveaway!

EventsElizabeth Ramos

Have you heard about The MaieDae Mixer? It's "an annual fancy networking event for bloggers and creatives in the Southeast," and it's all the rage. It's going to be held on June 1, 2013 in beautiful Rome, Georgia, and you don't want to miss it. Pssst - keep reading, we're giving away a ticket!

From their website: We are incredibly excited to launch the first annual Maiedae Mixer event! Hosted by the owners of Maiedae: Jenny Highsmith & Savannah Wallace. This excitement is rooted in a passion to create a community of bloggers and creatives in the southeast region. Because, let's face it...we are a pretty small community and it's time to get out, mingle, and make this side of the states more "known" for its blogging and creative community! It's a time to celebrate, meet new friends, and spur one another on towards great and exciting things! Plus, it's going to be a *great* excuse to buy a new dress, put a little lipstick on, and get yourself gussied up for a fancy evening.

So to break it down a little more for you. This is a "Get Fancy, Get Connected" (as we like to call it) networking event for bloggers with delicious desserts, great music, swag bags, giveaways, crafting time, photo-booth...and a couple more surprises. It's a time to pamper yourself, meet creatives and best of all, dress up!

T I T L E : The Maiedae MixerH O S T S : Jenny Highsmith & Savannah WallaceL O C A T I O N : 7-Hills Fellowship Hall, 538 Broad Street Rome, Georgia 30161D A T E  &  T I M E : Saturday, June 1st, 2013 - 6:30PM-10:00PMT I C K E T S : $95.00 - Only 50 available! Purchase yours here.T H E M E : Will be announced on April 15th!

Jenny and Savannah from MaieDae are not just completely adorable, they know their stuff too. These girls are a ridiculously talented team; check out their blog, design studio, and photography. The MaieDae Mixer is sure to be a splendid evening of meeting, making, and partying! You can see more fun details about the event here.

They have graciously offered us a ticket to give away, so one lucky winner will get a free ticket to The MaieDae Mixer!

TO ENTERComment on this post! Tell us about the best party you ever went to. The winner will be drawn at random and announced on Tuesday, April 16.

Guidelines:- The free ticket is not transferable, so don't enter unless you know you would be able to attend.- If you've already purchased a ticket, you can still enter! If you win, MaieDae will refund your original ticket.

UPDATE: This giveaway closed on Monday, April 15. Congrats to Brittany, our winner!

Live Art Installation

Events, GreenvilleElizabeth Ramos

We have a very fun public art project to share with you today!

In anticipation of their new store opening, Anthropologie has partnered with the Fine Arts Center to create a temporary art installation in downtown Greenville. A team of artists will work alongside high school students from the Fine Arts Center to create a large-scale piece of art and we're all invited to come watch.

This Saturday and Sunday, March 9-10, head to the site of Greenville's new Anthropologie (at the corner of Coffee and Main Streets) to observe as the project takes shape.


A note from Anthropologie:

"The piece will be painted on the barricade currently outside of the Anthropologie store location at 1 North Main Street on the weekend of March 9th and 10th. The 20’ by 8’ painting is designed and conceptualized by the students of the Fine Arts Center and we invite the community to observe as the students, along with the team of artists who will work full-time at the Greenville location, progress from first brush strokes to final touches. The painting will be on view at 1 North Main Street until the store opens at the end of March."

Mark your calendars and head downtown this weekend to see the artists in action. This should be a lot of fun!