Tours,Artist Showcase,Artist Showcase,Artist Showcase

Holiday Fair Gift Guide: For the Home

Artist Showcase, General Info, VendorsElizabeth Ramos

We are so excited about all of the Christmas shopping we'll do this weekend at the Holiday Fair, and we hope you're putting your shopping list together after seeing our gift guides. Here's one featuring all of the great gifts you'll be able to find to create a more handmade home. Prints and originals by Emily Jeffords / Hand lettered posters by Paige Elizabeth Designs / Ceramic trivet by Crave Studio / Soy candle by Mercy Verity


Hand turned muddlers by Slab / Hand stamped flour sack towels by The Hiber Fiber / Felted terrariums by Once Again Sam / Pet teepees by LoveLane

Holiday Fair Gift Guide: Part 2

Artist Showcase, Events, VendorsElizabeth Ramos

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We know as soon as the dinner plates are cleared tomorrow, you're going to start strategizing your holiday shopping. Have fun out there in the Black Friday madness (those of you who choose to participate). But remember, those truly memorable, meaningful gifts come from real people...people like our Holiday Fair artists. As you're planning your gift giving, consider these two new gift guides to help you find the perfect treasures for the people in your life.


Skinny Straight Jeans by Billiam / Bowtie by The Cordial Churchman / Anchor Bracelet by Maritime Supply Co. / Tent and Trail Pullover by Dapper Ink

Shave Soap by The Herb Garden / Hand-thrown Mugs by April Schwingle / Sketchbooks by Shed Labs / Hand-turned razors by Slab.


Collar Necklace by Lily Pottery / Cameos by Once Again Sam / Feather Pendant by Crave / Hand-dyed Necklace by Spectrum

Embroidered Napkins by The High Fiber / Yarn Skeins by Merciful Hearts Farm / Hand-lettered Notecard by Paige Elizabeth Designs / Brick Feathers Clutch by Auspicious Miss

5 Year Posters with The Printshop

Behind The Scenes, Events, Greenville, ToursElizabeth Ramos

For this year’s festival, we wanted to make a special poster to commemorate our fifth year. We worked with the folks at The Printshop, Greenville’s newest makerspace, to create silkscreened posters for our event. We spent an evening at The Printshop with Andrew (husband of our co-founder, Lib Ramos) and Jeremy to print our 2014 posters. They walked us through each step of the process — from burning a screen to registering inks and we took pictures along the way.

It was so much fun to take our design from a computer screen to a final printed product and be reminded of all the work that goes into screenprinted art. As we often tell others, learning a new skill is one of the best ways to foster appreciation for it. Here are some of our behind the scenes photos.


Mixing inks to get the perfect shade.


Jeremy shows us how to pull a print.


The first color on drying racks.


Burnt screen for color number two.


Adding the second color.


Final prints drying in a row.

Fun fact: The Printshop founders were introduced at last year's Indie Craft Parade. In less than a year's time, they ran a successfully funded Kickstarter and opened the doors to our city's first community print shop. The Printshop is offering classes along with studio space and access to equipment for all kinds of printing processes like silkscreen, etching, letterpress, lithography and more.

Be on the lookout for more partnerships between Indie Craft Parade and The Printshop down the road — for example we're hosting a modern calligraphy workshop in their space mid-January!

Thank you for an amazing festival!

Artist Showcase, Events, Festivals, General InfoElizabeth Ramos

In case you're still reliving the amazing festival weekend, we don't blame you. We just want to say a huge thank you to our 7,000 attendees, 80 artists, 42 volunteers, 20 sponsors, 10 staff volunteers, and 6 food vendors who make Indie Craft Parade possible. One of our favorite things about the festival is all the photos that came out of it. If you haven't seen it, check out the great #indiecraftparade hashtag stream here.

Here's a look at some of our favorites. We love you all! See you at our next event!

Image via SavannahMaieDae.

Image via Lindsey George.

Image via Going Home to Roost.

Image via Swamp Rabbit Cafe.

Image via Eleanor.XVI.

Image via Strawberry Moth.

Artist Showcase: Everything Else

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

In our artist showcase series, we feature a few makers from each category, who you’ll get to meet in just over 2 weeks. Can you believe the festival is almost here?! We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the days until Indie Craft Parade! The Et cetera category has a great variety of artists and goods that stand in a group all their own. From home decor and accessories to kitchen and garden goods, you'll want to remake your life around these products.

Don't forget, if you want to see everyone, old and new, who will be at this year's festival, check out their websites, found on our main site.

Hawks & Doves is a NC based maker who repurposes found materials in conjunction with both new and dead stock American made textiles and USA leather. We're dying over the feed sack pillows and especially those gorgeous aprons.

Blackjack Wax Company focuses on creating high quality, small batch soy candles. Each candle is personally hand-poured in batches of ten or less. We think you'll love their original scents like "front porch" and "film noir."


NATIVE BEAR products include hand printed paper goods and home decor featuring original designs and illustrations. Channel your inner bohemian and enjoy this collection.

The Zen Succulent is a mother/daughter team making contemporary glass vases filled with minimal color-blocked landscapes and live greenery. Each piece uses both live and preserved plants for a product that is one-of-a-kind.

Very Fine South makes a fantastic collection of bags and home decor. We think we can find a use for every one of her products.

artist showcase: paper goods

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

In our artist showcase series, we feature a few makers from each category, who you’ll get to meet in just a few weeks. We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the days until Indie Craft Parade!Today we’re highlighting a handful of artists from our Paper Goods category. Books, stationary, posters, accessories are just a few of the amazing things you'll find. All the sudden you'll want to send letters to everyone.

Strawberry Moth creates amazing illustrated products from cards, posters, pennants, and accessories. We can't wait to see this entire collection in person.

Linen Laid Felt combines traditional book-binding techniques with contemporary designs. We particularly love that the books can be used as photo books. Even your Instagram photos can have a place to go.

Tin Oiseau is a delightful collection of purposeful and customized stamps. You'll want something for every part of your life...library, cards, and tags. It will make sending gifts and mail that more special.

Paper Sparrow is an Indie Craft Parade veteran, but has developed a wonderful expanded line of posters, cards and stationary. My favorite is the abstracted representation of composers' work. These posters are great.

artist showcase: to wear

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

In our artist showcase series, we feature a few makers from each category, who you’ll get to meet in just a few weeks. We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the days until Indie Craft Parade! Today we're highlighting a handful of artists from our To Wear category. This is a broad lot including jewelry, menswear, kids clothes, and a lot of accessories. You'll be able to find something for everyone in your life from these artists.

Esse Quam Videri uses the Japanese dying technique of shibori to create these lovely one-of-a kind silk scarves.


Megan Cash has made a perfectly classic, yet fresh take on menswear. Keep the men in your life looking dapper with her creations.

Carolina Keiki has created an adorable line of kids' clothes from their studio / shop in North Carolina. Pretty sure you wish your clothes were this cute and comfy.

Timberline Jewelry is the creation of furniture designers turned jewelry makers. Building off strong geometric patterns and designs, this line is both classic and trendy.

Maritime Supply Co. reflects all of our needs to get to the ocean. Suited for both men and women, these pieces will make you want to head to the beach.

Artist Showcase: Fiber Art

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

In our artist showcase series, we feature a few makers from each category, who you’ll get to meet in just over a month. We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the days until Indie Craft Parade!

Today we’re highlighting some of the artists from our Fiber Art category. In this section you’ll find amazing handmade work created with felt, fabric, and yarn. Often the artists are even responsible for making their own patterns, prints, and even the materials themselves. And once again we had a difficult time choosing who to showcase, there are so many talented artists in this category!

Bonnie Christine is a woman of many talents. She runs the blog Going Home to Roost, makes her own fabric designs, illustrations, and patterns. And makes the most amazing products from them all.

Jennifer Lesley Design creates a variety of original home goods and decorations. From hand printed, painted, or dyed fiber and fabric, she makes a one of a kind collection.

Muncle Fred Art is a felt florist. Whether looking for a long lasting arrangement for your living room, a gift for a special occasion, or decorations for you next big event, you're sure to love these creations.

Hey Baby Craft Co. is doing an amazing job of preserving traditional quilting with her own modern twist. We can't wait to see these in person!

Artist Showcase: 3D Fine Art

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

In our artist showcase series, we feature a few makers from each category, who you’ll get to meet at the festival about a month and a half. We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the days until Indie Craft Parade!

Today we’re highlighting some of the artists from our 3D Fine Art category. In this section you’ll find amazing handmade work created with wood, glass, metal, and ceramics. And once again we had a difficult time choosing who to showcase, there are so many talented artists in this category!

Bean and Bailey ceramics is a Chattanooga duo producing small-batch functional porcelain pots. They use colored porcelain slip to construct both subtly organic forms, as well as faceted vessels inspired by natural crystals and gems.

Churp Modern combines an interest in bird houses and modern architecture. Matt Estrada uses reclaimed wood to house the yard birds in style.

SLAB creates beautifully function home goods. From the local Greenville mills, they source top quality walnut, cherry, and maple wood and produce serving boards, utensils, and perfectly streamlined furniture.

Pixels and wood combines a love of hand lettering with reclaimed goods. From the workshop in Winston-Salem, they take pride in bringing new life to old things and repurposing them in unexpected ways.

Artist Showcase: 2D Fine Art

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

It’s time to start one of our favorite blog series. As we get closer to the 2014 festival, we’ll be featuring a few artists from each category. You'll get to meet them all at the festival in just a few short weeks. We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the days until Indie Craft Parade! 

Let’s start off the series with some makers from our 2D Fine Art category. There are so many talented artists; it’s hard to pick just a few!

Chris Koelleworks on a variety of illustrative, graphic, and design from here in Greenville, SC. You should check out his impressive list of published works. His series of botanical prints and originals will be a feature of his booth at Indie Craft Parade.

ElloLovey creates inspiring and whimsical prints as well as other handmade goods from her home studio. You'll find that her creations are partly inspired by her British heritage as well as the woodland scenery that surrounds Asheville, NC.

Joe Engel is a mixed media artist dividing his time working and living in Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee. Working out of a small studio in the countryside, Joe creates original handmade artwork with a combination of salvaged materials and original designs. 

2014 jury: how it works and who's behind it

Artist Showcase, Behind The ScenesElizabeth Ramos

We're so pleased to announce this year's jury who will be responsible for choosing the 2014 exhibitors for Indie Craft Parade. These people have shaped their artists' communities both at home and abroad, and we know they're going to help us put on a magnificent show. Before presenting the jury, here’s a little insight into the process of how they will choose the participants in our show.

When all of the applications are collected, jury members review them by viewing the submitted photos as well as a brief description of the artist's work. This information is presented anonymously to the jury to level the playing field as much as possible. Each category is juried separately, so although applicants may apply in multiple categories (example: a ceramic artist that also makes screen printed tea towels). Artist's work may be accepted in some categories and declined in others. After reviewing the application, each jury member casts a vote for or against, and the application is accepted, declined, or put on a waiting list.

In previous years, our jury has met together as a group here in Greenville and curated the show in a single (very long) day. To better accommodate these generous folks and allow for a wider variety of jury members, we are moving our entire jurying process online. Our jury will now be able to review applications and cast their votes electronically. This allows us to select future jury members from a much broader area and ensures that Indie Craft Parade will continue to be fresh every year.

So without further ado, here's our jury:

Barb Blair: Owner of Knack Studios

Jon Andrews: Assemblage sculptor and professor

Katie Coston: Native Greenvillian now running a ceramics studio and shop in Oxford, England

Jude Landry: Professor and graphic designer, we love his Makers Gonna Make design

And new to the jury...The Indie Craft Parade team.

To make sure our vision for Indie Craft Parade never wavers, we've decided to claim a single jury vote for ourselves. Until this year, our main role in curating the festival has been to select the jury and facilitate the jurying day. Five years later, we'd like to weigh in. Of course, our collective vote will not count any more than other jury members. (Sorry to disappoint all of you who applicants who were ready to send bribes.) We still want the choosing of exhibitors to be guided by a panel of artists who we trust. But we do want to make sure our voice is represented as well.

So that's how it works. We're so thankful to the jury who takes the time to do a difficult job. All of our amazing applicants don't make their job easy!

Holiday Fair: Gift Guides

Artist Showcase, EventsElizabeth Ramos

The Holiday Fair is the perfect place to take care of all your Christmas shopping. You’ll find something for everyone on your list, a one-of-a-kind gift that’s sure to steal the show. Here's a little sneak peek at the handcrafted goods you'll see this Saturday.


Stocking Stuffers


Food & Entertaining



Lovely Ladies




And of course, don't forget to get yourself something special too from the Holiday Fair!

Gift Guides

Artist Showcase, General InfoElizabeth Ramos

There's such a wonderful variety of handmade goods at the festival, this weekend is the perfect opportunity to start your Christmas shopping. You'll find something for everyone on your list, a one-of-a-kind gift that's sure to steal the show. Who are you shopping for? The Foodie

The Art Collector

The Fashionista

The Nature Enthusiast

The Dapper Dude

The Little Ones

The Hipster

The Jewelry Admirer

The Animal Lover

The Home Decorator

The Person Who Has Everything

But enough about all these people, let's get to the important stuff... what are you going to get for yourself at Indie Craft Parade?

Artist Showcase: Everything Else

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

In our artist showcase series, we feature a few makers from each category, who you’ll get to meet at the festival this weekend. We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the last few days until Indie Craft Parade! Last but not least, our Everything Else category! The various goods in this catch-all will surely delight. These talented makers are handcrafting everything from artisanal chocolate to dog treats (not chocolate treats, obviously!), painted pillows to plush creatures, cake plates to candles, and stamped silverware to soap. Check out a little sample...

Finkelstein's Center never fails to wow us with their fabulous plush animals and dolls. These creatures have personality by the boatload! Not just for kids, everyone's going to want one for their own.

Asheville Soap & Sundry Company makes olive oil-based bath soaps,  solid shampoo bars, and natural cosmetics. They are dedicated to using natural ingredients,  always buying locally and chemical-free, and often grow the botanicals used in their products themselves.

Block & Hammer rescues vintage silverware, and hand-stamps it with fun phrases and custom messages. They also offer copper and aluminum collar stays, the perfect gift for groomsmen or any dapper gent.

Need to see more? You can check out the full list of our 75+ artists here, and come out this weekend to meet them all!

Artist Showcase: To Wear

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

In our artist showcase series, we feature a few makers from each category, who you’ll get to meet at the festival in just one week. We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the last few days until Indie Craft Parade! Our "To Wear" category is chock-full of amazing makers. The handcrafted wearables include apparel for men, women, and children, jewelry, purses, and accessories. Here's just a little sample of some of the fabulous goods.

"Acorn + Archer is a Nashville-based accessories line inspired by natural specimens, ancient artifacts and the balance found in modern physics." We love the simple lines of their pieces, the smooth tones of reclaimed wood paired with a pop of color is just what every outfit needs.

Flytrap Clothing features hand-printed apparel for men and women. Those fabulous scarves are calling our name, how about you?

Billiam(pronounced "bill-yum") is a local fan favorite, churning out custom jeans, belts, and wallets right here in Greenville. Their line focuses mostly on fashion for males, though the recent addition of women's skinny jeans has made all the ladies giddy.

Need to see more? You can check out the full list of our 75+ artists here, and we’ll be back with another artist showcase next week.

Artist Showcase: Fiber Art

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

In our artist showcase series, we feature a few makers from each category, who you’ll get to meet at the festival in just a couple weeks. We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the days until Indie Craft Parade! The work produced for our fiber art category is so varied and wonderful. These amazing makers spin wool, weave, felt, sew, embroider, and so much more! Here's a little look at a few of our talented artists working with fiber:

Chomp Textiles - Dana begins her process with hand drawn patterns which she then silk screens onto organic and sustainable fabrics using water based inks. These fabrics are sewn into a fabulous line of home goods, everything from totes to tea towels.

Precious America - artist Allison Jarrett's work is an excellent example of modern craft. The classic art of crewel embroidery becomes fresh and lively with her monochromatic color palette and streamlined stitching. What a wonderful way to commemorate a special date!

Once Again Sam - these felted curiosities never fail to bring a smile to our faces. Sarah Mandell creates an amazing range of work, everything from felted succulents (finally, a plant I can't kill!), morbidly wonderful anatomical hearts, and sweet creatures like owls, rabbits, and more!

Need to see more? You can check out the full list of our 75+ artists here, and we’ll be back with another artist showcase next week.

Artist Showcase: Paper Goods

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

In our artist showcase series, we feature a few makers from each category, who you’ll get to meet at the festival in just a couple weeks. We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the days until Indie Craft Parade! Over here at Indie Craft Parade headquarters, we're all obsessed with pretty paper goods. Letterpressed note cards cause us to swoon, screenprinted posters get us giddy, and perfectly bound notebooks make us weak in the knees. We love all the work produced by the talented makers in our paper goods category, here's a peek at just a few!

Em Dash Paper Co. - We love the happy-go-lucky calligraphy style of Emily. Her cherry notecards and hand-painted notebooks are the perfect gift to treat yourself to.

Ink Meets Paper "creates delightful letterpress greeting cards to foster the art of handwritten correspondence in today's modern world." These wonderfully modern cards are just right for every occasion. (We featured a little peek into their studio on our Instagram a few weeks ago, check it out!)

GREENville Books are made in, you guessed it, Greenville! Jason Waggoner hand-sews environmentally conscious papers with the perfect feel, color, and weight and binds them together into a one-of-a-kind book. We're loving the series with milk-painted covers!

Stay tuned! There's another artist showcase coming right up. Need to see more? You can check out the full list of our 75+ artists here, and we’ll be back with another showcase next week.

Artist Showcase: 3D Fine Art

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

In our artist showcase series, we feature a few makers from each category, who you’ll get to meet at the festival in less than a month. We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the days until Indie Craft Parade! Today we're highlighting some of the artists from our 3D Fine Art category. In this section you'll find amazing handmade work created with wood, glass, metal, and ceramics. And once again we had a difficult time choosing who to showcase, there are so many talented artists in this category!

"HollerDesign creates and constructs furniture inspired by the traditions of the American South, but informed by modern sleekness and simplicity. And uniquely, each piece is sourced, designed and crafted from and on the Lascassas, Tenn., dairy farm that’s housed HollerD owner Matt Alexander’s family for more than a century." We are drooling over those cutting boards, can't wait to get our hands on them! Head over to their website and check out the gorgeous video on the homepage, it documents one of their furniture pieces from start to finish.

Rachel Wilder's terrarium collection has us swooning. These beauties are hand crafted from reclaimed window glass and lead free solder. She also makes a line of miniature terrarium necklaces. What a delightful way to bring green life into your everyday!

Jeanette Zeis and her colorful ceramics are a crowd favorite. "Her pottery line contains beautiful and original housewares. Wonderfully crafted, with an eye for detail. Gorgeous pieces for everyday use and for lovely displays." We're thrilled to see that Jeanette has recently launched a new collection of dishes tailor-made for vegans. No matter what you're serving, these cheerful pieces are sure to brighten your day!

Need to see more? You can check out the full list of our 75+ artists here, and we’ll be back with another artist showcase next week.

Artist Showcase: 2D Fine Art

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

It's time to start one of our favorite blog series. We'll be featuring a few artists from each category, who you'll get to meet at the festival in just a few short weeks. We guarantee this little sneak peek will have you counting down the days until Indie Craft Parade! Let's start off the series with some makers from our 2D Fine Art category. There are so many talented artists, it's hard to pick just a few!

Paper-Sparrow features delightful art with a music and animal theme. They offer pieces made with traditional printmaking techniques, as well as screen-printed and digitally printed works.

Rebekka Seale's illustrations are just too charming for words. She is a talented fine artist hailing from Tennessee, and stays quite busy creating pieces for cool clients like Anthropologie and Land of Nod.

Emily Jefford's mixed media collages are incredibly original. From the inky landscapes to the wood bases gathered by her grandfather, and from the little bits of paper ephemera to the delicate lines made by string and nails, these one-of-a-kind works of art are filled with personality and meaning.

Need to see more? You can check out the full list of our 75+ artists here, and we'll be back with another artist showcase next week.