Craft News,Artist Showcase

Mini Book Collective Recap

Artist Showcase, Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

We've mentioned before the Mini Book Collective that's been on display at Art and Light for most of the month April. Well, if you haven't seen it, there's just a few more days left in the month for you to swing by. Besides the Collective on display, the rest of the gallery is curated with everything made from paper and books. Entry way to Art and Light Gallery where it's books, book, books.

Display of Greenville themed books. Jason Wagoner, Christin O'Bryan and Rachael Madeline have new work including lots of handmade journals. The pieces are quite beautiful.

Teresa Roche also has a new collection of mixed media pieces using book jackets. The pages of the books were folded into creative mobiles shown below.


Only a few more days to see these. It's worth the trip!

What are you working on? Art and Craft in Greenville.

Artist Showcase, Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

I've got some cute handmade goodness to share with you today. More submissions from around Greenville! We have such an awesome crafty community. If you have a craft or art pieces you want to share, please email photos and stories to


First these adorable applique baby tees from Annabelle Carter from

Humdiddly Blog

. She makes them for her boys and also sells them on her Etsy shop.

Owl appliques for both boys and girls.

I love the giraffe!

Second, I want to share these refinished furniture goods from Shan Grech. This London born girl now lives in Greenville, and as a hobby she refinishes cast off furniture with the oh-so-popular chalk paint.


She gives second hand uglies, like this, a fresh life, like these below.


If you want to see more of her work, she has some on display at

Even A Sparrow Boutique


Trunk Shows, Craft Shows and More Events you don't want to miss!

Craft News, FestivalsElizabeth Ramos

It's that time of year--the calendar is filling up with creative events. Can you believe that it's just a little more than a month till applications open for Indie Craft Parade?? We're so excited to see the work of artists and crafters this year. But in the meantime, the final days of April hold a number of events that we just have to share with you. It's already been an awesome month with events like the Mini Book Collective and Illyria Pottery Show. So if you don't already know about these upcoming shows, you want to take note. In two weekends, there are TWO notable crafty events on the same day. (Oh to be in two places at once!!) The first event is here in Greenville. It's the Spring Flea hosted by the Swamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery. If you've never taken a bike ride on the Swamp Rabbit Trail, you just don't know what you're missing. It's one of the best ways to be active in Greenville. And local establishments like the Swamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery just make it that much better. The Cafe and Grocery offers light meals and snacks to hungry trail goers as well as a host of local farm fresh foods.

This past Christmastime, Swamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery hosted their first Flea Market. A number of Indie Craft Parade vendors, including Parachute Clothing, Red Clay Soap, and Malo, participated in the festivities. The event was a smashing success, and we're expecting no less for their Spring Flea. This is an outdoor event where you can sample great food, find new handmade products, and meet some great artisans who are making a difference in our community.

The second event on April 28 is one we've already told you about, but it's definitely worth the reminder. It's Crafty Feast in Columbia, SC.

This year, Crafty Feast is hosting 67 vendors at the Columbia Convention Center. Admission is $2. If you're a fan of Indie Craft Parade, then you'll be happy to see some familiar faces at the event. Some of our previous exhibitors will have booths at this event.

Besides, these two large festivals, I have a couple of small, but noteworthy events for you to be mindful of. This is short notice, but if you're free this Thursday, April 19, you should stop by local boutique Even A Sparrow for a trunk show. From 5:30 to 8:30 PM, Holly is hosting the Spring Debut Collections of Yellow Elm and  Creative Rumors. Elizabeth Blanton of Yellow Elm creates adorable felt accessories, and Rachel Hrinko and Lauren Runion of Creative Rumors remake cast-off clothing into handmade goodness. It will be a fun evening you don't want to miss.

And last but not least, Deb Potter of Merciful Hearts Farm is teaming up with the Greenville Museum of Art for an educational event. Deb has supplied Indie Craft Parade with gorgeous hand spun yarn for the past two years. And on April 22 at 2:00 PM she'll be demonstrating hands-on coil basketmaking.

Ok, that's it for now, but stay tuned. The season of crafty goodness is just warming up, so we'll have plenty of updates coming soon.

Studio Tour: Quill and Arrow Press

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

We love getting updates on the success of Indie Craft Parade participants, so we can't wait to tell you about Beth Schaible who owns Quill and Arrow Press. She's an incredibly talented letterpress artist, and she's recently moved into a new studio. Beth was kind enough to share her move with us, so we asked her to tell us a little more about the move and about her work as a letterpress artist.

Indie Craft:  How did you get interested in letterpress? When did you start doing it professionally? Beth: I got interested in letterpress when I was in college. As a graphic design major I felt like I needed to spend more time working with my hands. I completed a two year fellowship at the Penland School of Crafts where I learned the majority of what I know about letterpress and got a lot of time to tinker in their beautiful letterpress studio.

A shot of the front room and gallery.

Indie Craft: What kind of projects make up the bulk of your business? Do you have a favorite type of project (posters, business cards, etc?) Beth: As someone who does both letterpress and calligraphy, I find a lot my time being devoted to wedding invitation projects. While I enjoy that work, my favorite thing to print in the studio are postcards and paper goodies to send in the mail. I really love sending mail, so a lot of my letterpress work revolves around making stationary. In my "free time" I also love printing large monotypes on my press because the process is so much different and open ended.

View of the print shop.


Close up of Beth's press.

Indie Craft:

What prompted the move to the new studio?


The studio is a dream come true. After three years of living at Penland and some time away in Virginia, I needed a place to call home. I am lucky enough to have a few lovely friends in Asheville who are also printers (Ele Annand :: Two Step Press, Bridget Elmer :: Flatbed Splendor, Kelly Kelbel :: Tiny Factory Story) and we decided to share a space. We moved into our West Asheville studio on January 1st and have been hard at work cleaning, painting, moving in all of our heavy equipment, and getting the shop in working order. Together we are 7 Ton Letterpress Collective, and I can't wait to see where it takes us! A grand opening is in the works for sometime this spring!

Thanks, Beth! If you want to see more of Beth's work, check out her Etsy page.

Don't Forget! Mini Book Collective this Weekend!

Artist Showcase, FestivalsElizabeth Ramos

Remember when we announced the call for entries for Mini Book Collective? Well, now all of the applicants have completed their work, and they'll be on display this weekend at Art and Light Gallery. We've got a sneak peek of the work to show you. All of the books are themed on the artists' experiences in Greenville, and I think they've made our little city quite proud. The opening celebration of the Collective is tomorrow night! The show takes place April 6 from 6pm to 9pm as part of First Fridays. This is one special event you don't want to miss!

Mini Book entry by Furman Student, Patrick Rice

Melinda Hoffman, Director of the Mini Book Collective's book

Jason Wagoner's Handmade Greenville Journals

Wallpaper Book Series by Teresa Roche

What are you working on? Art and Craft in Greenville.

Artist Showcase, Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

You know how we love to share what's going on in the art sphere of our creative little city. We try our best to keep you updated on the professional events, but we've also recently become interested in sharing what individuals do around Greenville (and surrounding areas) to exercise their creativity. We started this post series a couple weeks ago, and I'm happy to share some new projects with you today.

Chalkboard Kitchen Wall.

The ever talented Elizabeth Ramos kindly shared her new kitchen wall with us--which she and her husband painted with chalkboard paint.

From her blogAround Christmas time, Andrew and I were discussing how (in spite of us both being designers) our everyday lives don’t seem to allow for much creativity. One small way we decided to combat this is by adding a small chalkboard wall to our kitchen. We’re hoping that this will give us a good place to make art that’s intentionally temporary and help us remember to have fun creating things.

Not only did Elizabeth share the pictures, her post includes a great tutorial for doing this yourself

Greenville is getting a letterpress shop!

Our friends over at Dapper Ink have exciting news. They're the screen print shop that makes our tee shirts each year, and they've just expanded their printing capabilities to include letterpress printing. The vintage Chandler and Price letterpress still needs a lot of care to get it up and running, but they expect by summer time to be fully set up and taking orders.

Celebrating the press arrival to the Dapper Ink lot.

Located in the shop window, the press is ready to be cleaned and tuned up for action.

Don't forget--we want to see what you're working on. Please email photos and stories to

Indie Craft Parade Scholarship: Update on Brook Glenn Elementary School

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

I have a super fun update today. Remember this post when we announced that Brook Glenn Elementary School won our 2011 scholarship? Well, Laura, the school's art teacher, has shared with us some of the work the students were able to do because of the scholarship funds.

From Laura: I just wanted to send you guys a note and say THANKS for choosing us for your scholarship.  We have been furiously making all sorts of ceramic projects since I was able to purchase massive amounts of clay and glaze (hooray!).  I wanted to send a few pictures.  Two of the pictures are of clay animals third graders have been working on (the most awesome zebra I've ever seen!) and one photo is of a stocked kiln room-- something that makes this art teacher very happy.

Thanks Indie 2

We're so glad we were able to help out the kids from Brook Glenn. Looks like these students have an art future for sure!

What are you working on? Arts and Crafts in Greenville and surrounding areas.

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

Thank you so much to everyone who has sent us pictures of your current creative work in response to last week's post! I have a couple of good ones to show you today, and there will be plenty more to come. We really want to see what our friends are working on. So whether you're a longtime follower, participant, or attendee of Indie Craft Parade or if you're just joining us, please shoot us a photo of the creative projects you're working on (or have worked on). Just email and include a brief description of your project as well as photos that do not exceed 500 pixels wide. Here we go! First a creative headboard by mixed media artist Kristen Solecki.


From Kristen: My fiancee and I recently moved into our new apartment. We wanted something over our bed but did not want a headboard. We are both obsessed with Instagram (who isn't?) and I printed a bunch of our photos from it but wasn't sure what to do with them, there were too many to frame!  I designed this great way to display them using two pieces of found lumber and bull dog clips. This works perfect because it is functional art and the photos can be changed and updated with our current favorites. 

If you're interested in learning how to do this project yourself, Kristen has kindly offered to share the tutorial. Visit her website to get in touch.

Second Cory Godbey has kindly shared a sneak preview into his 2012 sketchbook Menagerie. I'm so glad he sent this over, because it reminded me to tell you all we're interested in a lot more than just crafty/DIY projects (as awesome as they are). If you're a fine artist, we'd love to see your work too.

From Cory: I'm in the midst of producing my yearly sketchbook of all new work titled Menagerie. The 40+ page book will feature drawings and sketches of animals and dragons in sometimes dramatic, sometimes operatic situations. Currently I'm doing study drawings of all the pieces. This is basically me working out all of the tigers and bears and creatures that will populate this new book. 

The final drawing of the sketch above.

Another look at the Tiger King.

Menagerie will be released this May. You can find out more about the project at Cory's blog.

And finally I too wanted to show off a project I did with my little sister this past weekend. We tried making the geometric pendants from the DIY round up featured a little while ago. I think they turned out quite well.

There's always room for more! Let us know what you're working on!

Happy National Craft Month! Show us your crafts!

Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

It's March 1st--which kicks off the celebration of National Craft Month. Crafting blogs everywhere are gearing up to help people get their craft on this month, and Indie Craft Parade is no different. During the month of March we'll be bringing you crafting tips, exploring new DIY projects, and featuring people's crafts from right here in Greenville. That's right! We want to see what crafts you're working on! Image courtesy of Martha Stewart.

So please, let us know what projects you're tackling throughout the month of March. Recovering salvaged chairs with new, mod fabric? Decorating a room with handmade accents? Working on a new jewelry set? Trying one of our featured DIY projects? It's so easy to share! Just email, and include a brief description of your project and picture that is no bigger than 500 pixels wide. We can't guarantee that every project submitted will be featured, but we'll do our best to show as many as possible.

Alright Greenville crafters, you have your assignment. Let us see just how creative you are!

Craft Bar Happy Weekend: Applications Open

Craft News, FestivalsElizabeth Ramos

We've got another festival to tell you about--this time from Columbia, SC! Every month, the Columbia Museum of Art hosts craft . bar . happy . hour, where crafters participate in a "bring your own craft" night. It's a great way to expand your knowledge about crafting and meet new friends.

Well, they've decided to expand the event into a full weekend festival on June 1 and 2. It's going to be a juried art market located in the museum, and registration is currently open.

From craft . bar . happy . weekend:

Craft Bar Happy Weekend is the inaugural daylong event inspired by the Columbia Museum of Art’s monthly program, Craft Bar Happy Hour. Craft Bar Happy Weekend is a public market that brings together artists and their handmade goods from across the Southeast. You'll enjoy quality crafts, local food, DJs and the opportunity to make friends and connections with the artists themselves. The Museum’s team will offer workshops, demonstrations and activities that adults, and even the littlest crafters, can enjoy.

All crafters and artisans are encouraged to submit their work for consideration.

If you're interested in participating, head over to their website, read all of the details. Applications are open until March 23.

Moveable Type Truck Recap

Artist Showcase, Craft News, FestivalsElizabeth Ramos

Thank you to everyone who came out to the library last week to support Kyle and her Moveable Type Truck. We had over 150 people signed up to attend, and it was an awesome event! Participants crowded into the truck to learn more about the art of letterpress, and they even got to try the process themselves, taking home a souvenir poster. The great turnout and enthusiastic attitude shown by everyone just makes us so happy that we're part of this community. We're looking forward to many more events in the future!

So many people came! The line was 50 people long at times.

Crowding into Kyle's truck to get a better look at the process.

Inking the type before printing.

Kyle explaining the process.

The final product! A poster just for Greenville.


Indie Craft Parade fans showing off their hand printed goods!

Want to see more pictures? Check out our Facebook page!

Downtown Library and Indie Craft Parade Host Moveable Type Tomorrow!

Artist Showcase, Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

We're so excited to meet Kyle Durrie and her type truck tomorrow. Letterpress cards, bookmarks, and posters, here we come! If you're just now hearing about Moveable Type, or if you've just put off signing up, don't wait any longer. Call the Downtown Library (864-527-9293) to sign up for the FREE event. You won't want to miss it.

Speaking of the library, did you know that the Main Branch downtown is a great crafting resource? Almost every Saturday they host a knitting and crocheting class, and on weekdays there are fun crafts for kids! Check out their schedule of events to see what all is available.

One Week Till Moveable Type Arrives!

Artist Showcase, Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

Just a reminder that you only have to wait one more week until Moveable Type arrives in Greenville. Next Thursday, February 16, Kyle Durrie is rolling into town in her mobile letterpress studio. Her demonstration will give you a chance to learn more about and experiment with letterpress printing. Don't forget to call the Hughes Library Downtown at 527-9293 to sign up for visiting the Moveable Type Truck.

This is a free event and definitely something you don't want to miss! Check out all of the details at our previous post.

For a preview of Kyle's work and how Moveable Type works, visit her website and watch this video.

Mark Your Crafty Calendars!

Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

We've mentioned CoCraft before. It's an open-invitation indie crafting group that has met periodically to teach new crafting skills. They describe themselves as "a gathering of like-minded people to make stuff & make friends." What sounds more fun than that? Well, we're excited to announce that they've begun regular meetings and that you're invited to attend. From here on out, CoCraft is meeting on the first Friday of every month from 7-10 PM.

All of the details you need are on the CoCraft Facebook page. This month they're meeting on February 3 to make handmade Valentines. Now, I know that's just a few days away, but if you're free this weekend, all you need to do is RSVP in be a part of the crafting goodness.

If you can't make it in February, they will be crafting again in the first of March. Join in the fun!

We've Found the Perfect Handmade Valentine's Day Gifts

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

With St. Valentine's Day fast approaching, I know many of you still have your shopping to do. This year, show your valentine(s) how much you really care and skip the shrink wrapped chocolate boxes and the mass produced stuffed animals. Instead check out some of these fabulous handmade valentines in our Etsy Treasury. These gifts have all the charm, and your loved ones will have something truly unique.

For another collection of handmade Valentine's goodness, check out the Art and Light Blog. They've got a wonderful selection of local artists' goods.

Buy Handmade — Cupid would be so proud!

Open Applications for Regional Craft Shows

Craft News, FestivalsElizabeth Ramos

Dear Indie Craft Parade participants and fellow crafters,Spring is just around the corner here in the South, and it's time to start thinking about 2012 craft shows. Right now applications are open for two regional events, and you'll want to know about them. Whether you want to apply to participate or simply attend these events, you're bound to be surrounded by fabulous crafts and all the fun that goes with these festivals. Check them out!

Chatty Crafty held in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The dates for the festival are April 21 + 22, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM daily. Applications are open until February 19.

Crafty Feast, in association with Indie Grits held in Columbia, South Carolina. The date for the festival is April 28. Applications are open until January 31--CLOSING SOON!

We hope you can take advantage of these crafting opportunities!

Last Chance to Bookmark Artists from the 2011 Indie Craft Parade

Craft News, General InfoElizabeth Ramos

The 2nd Annual Indie Craft Parade had amazing vendors. Besides the fact that they are a group of talented artists with fabulous products, they're just great people. So we want to give you one last reminder to support them before we close the links to their websites. We're well under way in planning the 2012 Indie Craft Parade, and it's time to make room for a new lot of artists and crafters. The links on our Participants page will be live through this weekend. We will close them on Monday, January 23. Now is the time to bookmark or pin your favorite artists from the 2011 show.

Here's a little recap of our vendors work.

Letterpress card from Racing Snail Press.

Custom paper dolls from Jordan Grace Owens.

Eco-friendly bears by Pogo Shop.

Sculpture by CME Studios.

Pet clothes and accessories by Tree Parlor.

Pendants by Cameoko.

Thanks again to all of the 2nd Annual Indie Craft Parade participants. We loved having you, and we hope to see you in the future!

Moveable Type: Letterpress Bash in Greenville

Craft News, FestivalsElizabeth Ramos

We love hosting educational events throughout the year that keep people excited about handmade techniques. So if you've ever been interested in — or just curious about — letterpress, this is your chance to learn! We're starting off this year with a really exciting affair! In February, with the help of Hughes Main Library, we are bringing the Moveable Type project to Greenville!

Moveable Type is a portable letterpress studio, run by Kyle Durrie. She is making her way around the country holding demonstrations and workshops on the art of letterpress printing. On Thursday, February 16th from 4-7pm, Kyle will park her studio/truck in front of the Hughes Main Library and set up shop. Our event will begin with a quick introduction video in the library, then move outside to the Type Truck, where Kyle will walk us through creating our own letterpress prints.


The event is free and open to the public, although registration is required. Call the library at 527-9293 to register for the Moveable Type event.

Kyle also makes and sells fun letterpress goods so if you didn't stock up at Indie Craft Parade or you've already used up your stash, bring some cash and support this great idea.

Open Call for MiniBook Collective

Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

Dear Greenville County Creatives, We have a fabulous opportunity to tell you about coming up this February. Art & Light Gallery and artist Melinda Hoffman are sponsoring the first ever MiniBook Collective project. This is an open exhibition for Greenville County artists, crafters, writers, and collaborators to create a "minibook with one sheet of paper, reflecting a sense of place that shares one's experiences of Greenville County, South Carolina." The challenge is to tell your story on a single sheet of paper.

Screen shot 2012-01-03 at 12.41.14 PM

The competition is free to enter and cash prizes will be awarded. To read about further details and rules, check out the MiniBook Collective page. Submissions are due Wednesday, February 29th. And the opening reception will be hosted at Art & Light on Friday, April 6th.

MiniBook Collective is inspired by the Somethink Collective project in the United Kingdom. Check out their beautiful examples below. Quite inspiring, and we hope to see many Indie Craft Parade participants at the exhibition.

An Indie Craft Christmas

Artist ShowcaseElizabeth Ramos

We had fun doing a little virtual Christmas shopping for this post! Many of our 2011 Indie Craft Parade artists have Etsy shops, so we love to use tools like Etsy Treasuries to make pretty collections of their work. We wanted to make an Indie Craft Parade Christmas treasury to remind us of all the great things we saw back in September. In  this treasury, we chose items for decorating as well as gift ideas for friends, family members and even your pets! Click on the image to view the treasury, and don't forget that we link to our 2011 artists' online shops at our Participants page! We want to make it easy to support our artists throughout the Christmas season and the coming year!